Our Vision

• Reliable, strong, respected,
• Kendi alanında uzman olarak kabul edilen LİDER bir şirket olmaktır.

Our Mission

• Providing the highest efficiency by keeping customer satisfaction and loyalty at the highest level, • Having knowledge and experience, • Sensitive and observant to innovations and developments in the world, • Informing its customers correctly about the sector, • Providing consultancy services to its customers on fleet management, • Creating an environment of self-development for its employees, • To be a principled, transparent institution that likes to share with its participants.

Our History

IMSTARIM has become accustomed to the problems and different conditions faced by fruit and vegetable production in recent years. Using the latest technology and caliphate, it selects, sorts, packs and exports the highest quality fruits and vegetables with high customer satisfaction. IMSTARIM offers its customers excellent prices and keys, especially with the use of IYI TARIM in apple products.
