
Turkey is the world's largest cherry producer. "Ziraat 0900" cherry, which is a Tórk native variety, is a cherry variety with a long storage life, hard, aromatic and juicy structure. The high quality of the fruit comes from the country's natural agricultural resources, hot and dry summer and cold winter seasons. Cherry is a type of fruit that is widely cultivated all over the country. Cherry production is one of the first agricultural activities in Turkey where HACCP and EUREPGAP standards are applied, which is demanded by European supermarkets. Breeding in accordance with this production order shows an increasing trend throughout the country. The export-oriented product starts in Izmir (Kemalpaşa) in mid-May (sapıkısa) and continues in June-July (Ziraat 0900) with Napoleon (Afyon, Burdur, Isparta, Salihli). Production of Starks Gold 0900, which is processed and marketed in the industry as well as fresh consumption, is increasing.

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