
In addition to rich local varieties, foreign varieties are grown everywhere in Turkey, except for the Southeastern Anatolia Region. We are among the top 15 countries in the world in terms of both production and export. Among many varieties, Williams, Santa Maria, Akça, Mustafabey varieties produced in summer and Ankara, Beurree Clairgeau, Beurree d'Anjou and Deveci varieties produced in winter are exported. The varieties produced for canning are different from the fresh consumption varieties. AKÇA: It is the earliest ripening (in the first week of July) among our local varieties. Its fruit is small, sweet and juicy. Myve is yellowish light green when mature. MUSTAFABEY: It is harvested in the second week of July. The sun-exposed sides of the fruits turn red. SANTA MARIA: It is one of the early varieties and it is attractive with its smooth fruit shape. It is stored in July - August when it is green in color and matures and turns yellow in storage. It is put on the market until January. ANKARA: It is one of the most important winter domestic varieties grown most widely especially in Central Anatolia. It is harvested at the end of September. The skin of the fruit is thin, soft, slightly rough, yellowish green and yellow in color. The fruit is very juicy, very sweet, melting in the mouth, without sand and fragrant. DEVECI: It is a popular and exported variety recently. Being large and suitable for storage increases the market chance.

İmstarim Armut Sezonlari